Video Created by Erik Rowell
Get to know our Founding Families:

Neither James nor Sandra are from Chattanooga. James grew up in Oakman, AL, received his Mechanical Engineering degree from the University of Alabama and relocated to work for TVA. Sandra grew up in Lexington, GA and received her Nurse Anesthesia degree at UTC. In 1998, a blind date set in motion the workings for the greatest marriage ever. Since their children were born in TN, Grace in 2000 and Gus in 2001, they now represent the three strongest teams in the SEC.
Their home is in the heart of Hixson but has a very country feel, fully equipped with 2 dogs, three cats and 15 chickens. James is now retired and Sandra has returned to work part-time and they love the flexibility homeschooling provides. They have taken many cross country trips with no exact destination in mind and love learning about this wonderful world God has given us. Grace and Gus love learning and have participated in Science Olympiad for the past 6 years. Even though each has their own interest, this family loves spending time working and exploring together.
Their home is in the heart of Hixson but has a very country feel, fully equipped with 2 dogs, three cats and 15 chickens. James is now retired and Sandra has returned to work part-time and they love the flexibility homeschooling provides. They have taken many cross country trips with no exact destination in mind and love learning about this wonderful world God has given us. Grace and Gus love learning and have participated in Science Olympiad for the past 6 years. Even though each has their own interest, this family loves spending time working and exploring together.

The Mayberry family includes Tom, Mary, Katie (11th grade) and Thomas (9th grade). Tom was born in Wilmington, Delaware and relocated to Chattanooga at the end of his senior year in high school when his dad was transferred to the local DuPont plant in 1976. After graduating from UTC, Tom began working for DuPont as a chemical engineer first in Louisville, KY, then in Wilmington, DE. He moved back to Chattanooga in 1987, to be closer to his parents. He just completed his 36th year with INVISTA™ (formerly DuPont, now owned by Koch Industries). Tom also serves as a deacon for our church, Hixson Presbyterian (PCA).
Mary grew up in Marion, OH and came to Chattanooga in 1975 to attend Tennessee Temple through the influence of some family friends who attended TTU. Although at first very homesick, she grew to love the Chattanooga area during her four years at TTU, where she majored in accounting. After working for two years at a public accounting firm in her hometown after college graduation, the Tennessee Valley beckoned, and she returned to Chattanooga in 1982 to make it her home. After teaching accounting and other business subjects at TTU for ten years, she accepted a position in the financial area with Woodland Park Baptist, a job she held until a few days before Katie was born in 1999.
In 1996, a mutual friend introduced us. Both of us had waited a LONG time to meet the “right” person. After dating for two years, we were married on April 18, 1998 at the ripe old age of 40 and 38. Graciously, God blessed us with Katie on November 1, 1999, and then Thomas joined the family on April 16, 2002.
Our homeschooling journey officially started when Katie began kindergarten in 2005. We have been part of Explorers since its inception in 2010 and love the relationships we have formed. Our family enjoys music daily, listening to piano, banjo, and violin practicing. Katie and Mary also enjoy knitting, while Thomas immerses himself in reading and making things from paracord. Tom enjoys photography as a hobby. We are so thankful God made us a family.
Mary grew up in Marion, OH and came to Chattanooga in 1975 to attend Tennessee Temple through the influence of some family friends who attended TTU. Although at first very homesick, she grew to love the Chattanooga area during her four years at TTU, where she majored in accounting. After working for two years at a public accounting firm in her hometown after college graduation, the Tennessee Valley beckoned, and she returned to Chattanooga in 1982 to make it her home. After teaching accounting and other business subjects at TTU for ten years, she accepted a position in the financial area with Woodland Park Baptist, a job she held until a few days before Katie was born in 1999.
In 1996, a mutual friend introduced us. Both of us had waited a LONG time to meet the “right” person. After dating for two years, we were married on April 18, 1998 at the ripe old age of 40 and 38. Graciously, God blessed us with Katie on November 1, 1999, and then Thomas joined the family on April 16, 2002.
Our homeschooling journey officially started when Katie began kindergarten in 2005. We have been part of Explorers since its inception in 2010 and love the relationships we have formed. Our family enjoys music daily, listening to piano, banjo, and violin practicing. Katie and Mary also enjoy knitting, while Thomas immerses himself in reading and making things from paracord. Tom enjoys photography as a hobby. We are so thankful God made us a family.

The Watson family lives in Sale Creek, Tennessee. Keith was raised on a farm in Sweetwater where his parents still live. When he was young he used to give tours through the Lost Sea Caverns. Keith went to Tennessee Tech University in Cookeville and earned an Electrical Engineering degree. After College he worked for GE and traveled all over the country. Recently he has changed jobs and now works for TVA which keeps him home and much more available to help out with Allen. Keith is also an avid hunter and coaches the skeet and trap team.
I (Kathy) grew up in middle Tennessee and graduated from the University of Tennessee College of Veterinary Medicine. After graduation I moved to Chattanooga and began working at Ashland Terrace Animal Hospital in Hixson where I still work on a part time basis.
Keith and I met on a canoe trip down the Suwanee River. After that trip we continued to meet up on various camping trips until we began dating and then decided to marry. Keith was able to transfer to Chattanooga so we bought the farm and built a home.
My son Brian just graduated from Bryan College with a History Degree. Brian has spinabifida but does well with overcoming this particular life challenge. Brian has a 5th degree black belt degree in Taekwondo, loves to waterski, and bike ride.
Allen was born in 2002 and is an active young man who enjoys sports and video games much more than schoolwork! Allen is his dad's hunting buddy and goes on many of the hunting expeditions with his father. He currently plays soccer for the Patriots soccer team and enjoys helping out around the farm.
We do live on a farm and milk both goats and cows. We also have dogs, cats, chickens, ducks and turkeys. We also have two frogs from a science class I taught several years ago!! We enjoy traveling in our motor home and often combine that with Keith’s hunting trips.
I (Kathy) grew up in middle Tennessee and graduated from the University of Tennessee College of Veterinary Medicine. After graduation I moved to Chattanooga and began working at Ashland Terrace Animal Hospital in Hixson where I still work on a part time basis.
Keith and I met on a canoe trip down the Suwanee River. After that trip we continued to meet up on various camping trips until we began dating and then decided to marry. Keith was able to transfer to Chattanooga so we bought the farm and built a home.
My son Brian just graduated from Bryan College with a History Degree. Brian has spinabifida but does well with overcoming this particular life challenge. Brian has a 5th degree black belt degree in Taekwondo, loves to waterski, and bike ride.
Allen was born in 2002 and is an active young man who enjoys sports and video games much more than schoolwork! Allen is his dad's hunting buddy and goes on many of the hunting expeditions with his father. He currently plays soccer for the Patriots soccer team and enjoys helping out around the farm.
We do live on a farm and milk both goats and cows. We also have dogs, cats, chickens, ducks and turkeys. We also have two frogs from a science class I taught several years ago!! We enjoy traveling in our motor home and often combine that with Keith’s hunting trips.